So I just watched the 2nd Pokemon Movie, [Pokemon (2000)], the one with Lugia and...
START OF RANT-------------------------
OMG, SOMEONE PLEASE get them to hire a script writer!!! There are so many wrong moments! If this movie was the plateau for the pokemon movies, I am seriously worried about the rest.
ASH was ..being ASH, with his all in hero complex, he can't think about others but pokemon and saving the world but at times he's so doubtful. Misty was such a tsundere, yet not? Team Rocket, why cant they be always this awesome. Pikachu is so badass,(yet more evidence to prove ASH's pikachu is a legendary pokemon) he really needs to be captioned in this movie to say all kinds of wrong quotes hahaha, ( I watched in English ). The legendary birds, Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno are such Jerks, Lugia is awesome but why does he gain power from the flute...he is all mighty!!! The movie quality could have so much better in my opinion. But then again, this movie was created in 2000, and I have seen a fair amount of good scripted movies to mold my perception of a good movie......still not a good enough excuse.
I admit the art style was quite impressive at the start, and I was pretty keen at the beginning, but as it progressed, it got a lot run -down, except for maybe the battle scene.
There are so many complications with this movie, but i'll leave it at that.
Story: E- - barely E, only because its pokemon
Art: A- - I can see they put some effort in
Animation: B+ - I just feel they could have dont a little more
Characters: C- - you just do not act these ways, Melody was sweet, but nothing of it, and
the central bad just no.
Overall: C- - the movie was only saved because it was so bad, and my imagination was better than it was :D
Sorry, but watch this movie, without expecting much, it is okay.
That movie was so much better the way you submit
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